Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Early October: Possible Plans

With the first round of battles over and done, we need to look to the next round of the war.  How do Knoxville and Kingsport react to their successes and defeats?  We'll pick one strategy for each force, and then the generals of each army will follow those orders for the next week, or until the situation sees a dramatic change (i.e. a major battle or siege), whichever comes first.

I've got some ideas.  Maybe you've got some, too.  If so, throw a description in the comments.

I'll post a video outlining these strategies on Friday and open the two polls over the weekend.  Watch this space for a notice and links.


With their forces scattered about the map, the Knoxvillian High Command can look at a map with a lot of strengths and vulnerabilities.  Thanks to some quick thinking and an early morning march, the Army of the East managed to hold off a larger force.  But nearly caught between two armies as strong as themselves, they are in a very risky position.  Here are three potential strategies moving forward.

Operation Full Sneed Ahead - Commenter Shawn Hutson offers up a plan whereby Knoxville keeps her eyes on the prize.  Throw everything you can at Sneedville now.  The Army of the West sends half its might north to Tazewell, there to unite with the Army of the Pines for a big push on Tazewell. The Army of the East holds and does what damage it can in Morristown, hoping to stand long enough for reinforcements in the form of the remainder of the Army of thee West to reach them.  I would suggest to the War Council that the Army of the East retreat back to Jefferson City rather than spend its strength in a hopeless fight it can't win against two armies, but am leaving this plan up as per General Hutson's suggestion.

Operation Hey Diddle Diddle - Everybody moves forward, but along a more even front.  The Army of the East chases after their defeated foe, trusting the advance of the larger Army of the West to protect them from Greene's Army.  Meanwhile, the Blitz continues their race for Kingsport.

Operation Softly Softly Catchee Monkey - This one is a slow developing plan that eschews a direct assault on Sneedville for a run at Kingsport.  Let Jones' Army sit there in Sneedville as the fight is decided elsewhere.  Using the strong arm of the Army of the West as a steamroller, the goal is to divide the two southern Kingsport armies and allow them to be crushed one at a time.  The Army of the East pulls south at frist, then drives up I-81.  Maybe it pulls Greene's Army with it.  Maybe it forces a confrontation that weakens the Greene County Boys. As a nod to defense, the Army of the Pines bypasses the Tazewell Detachment on its path to take up position defending Knoxville.  If things go well in the south, and the Jones Army has to leave Sneedville, that Tazewell Detachment can saunter in and reclaim Knoxville's rightful claim.


Kingsport faces its own difficult choices.  Do they maintain their faltering offense, hold onto their gains, or go into full defensive turtle mode?

Operation Delay is De Wey - Here, Kingsport attempts to run out the clock.  Hold on tight to Sneedville while pushing down toward Knoxville with Roger's and Greene's Army.  Depending on which way that East Army moves, they can either double-team it and swamp it through weight of numbers or use one army to pin it and the other to keep the Army of the West distracted and unable to pressure Sneedville.  The one wrinkle to this plan is the Jones' Army committing a force to chase down the Harlan Blitz before they can get close to Kingsport.  That leaves them a little exposed to the Army of the Pines, but you can't have everything!

Operation HODL - Once again, the Kingsportian War Council expects the Jones Army to deal with the Harlan Blitz before any more towns are lost in the north.  Kingsport is supposed to be on the offensive here, after all.  Down south, they expect the Army of the East to be eliminated as a going concern via the expedient of catching it between Rogers' and Greene's Armies. (Suggested by YooToob commenter Shawn Hutson.)  From there, the armies can either combine if they got torn up, or split back up to protect the northern and southern approaches to Kingsport.

Operation Second Wind - Continuing to take the fight to Knoxville, the War council refuses to take their foot off the gas.  Everybody drives deeper into Knoxville territory, trusting to their strength of arms to push the front line ever backwards.  If the line stays far enough away from Sneedville, even a loss or two can be acceptable so long as it keeps Knoxville out of Sneedville.  Meanwhile, the Harlan Blitz has shown itself to be beneath notice - let the local militias grind them down.

The Battle of US-11 East

Once again, your humble host isn't going to bother with a poll.  These two armies are going to fight.  The only three questions are wher...