We need to get some names up in here. Instead of our usual habit of trusting the internet to provide meme-worthy names of dubious provenance and little reverence, I thought perhaps something a little more respectful was called for. A friend and mysterious benefactor pointed me to this webpage (link) documenting the final resting places of the the Civil War veterans who await the resurrection within the soil of Union County. In this manner, we can call upon the ghosts of our ancestors and pay them a small tribute in the form of remembering who they were, why they fought, and how much we owe each and every one of them.
To that end we'll use the list of Confederate soldiers to populate the names of the Kingsport generals. Scanning the list for highest ranking men, or those with photos posted should give us the three or four names we require.
Major - now General Allen Hurst becomes the commander of Rogers' Army. With a headstone like that, we have to stick him right into the mix, don't we?
And finally, Private Greenberry Leander Donehew has a name made for taking command of Greene's Army. Simply amazing how often that sort of synchronicity happens in endeavors of this nature. He was a cavalryman in our fight, and that dashing elan you can still see in the set of his jaw should serve his imagi-nations counterpart just as well.
God bless them all.